By coming here, you are expected to have understood the information given by us here. As well as respect Nithyananda as an enlightened master of Hinduism. People with high sense of importance rise controversy. Yoga is cessation of the mind. You don´t have to believe anything, just try it if it resounds with you. Believing is of the mind, experiencing is reality.
KAILASA - The Good God Country || Documentary
We don´t require volunteers to believe in Nithyananda as their guru or as their master or to be a devotee. But we do require that they are seekers, searching the right path for their journey and that they keep an open mind, be curious and inquisitive.
Pacha is the administrator of the place, a devotee, he is not a teacher but a seeker, with some experience of internal work, that can be shared, but each one has to depend in his own experience and not take Pacha´s words as ultimate truth.
We try to make this program free, but now that we don´t have yet our own food garden producing all our needs, we need to buy food and supplies, which comes around 5 dollars a day, so we suggest a voluntary contribution if possible. Or more if you can.
We do seva here, it means service. this project is for enlightening and experiencing nature. Places of free teaching and board get funds by donations. If you can and feel responsibility for your life, contribute voluntarily for expenses. Thanks.
a) We do not provide any insurance, so volunteers either get their own or come at their own risk, there are no special risks involved here and I don´t have any insurance, I only stay safe always and walk in the field watching the steps for snakes and where I put my hand.
b) Be safe from petty criminals, as anywhere in this world.
c) We do not recommend use of Ayawaska or other ceremonial practices with external substances nor take responsibility for their use. Dow, I respect them in their native context which is not ours. Watch this video
Ayurvedic Techniques to Detoxify Your Body from Psychedelic Drugs & Fluoride
In San José take a taxi and go to the Pulmitan de Liberia terminal, tel 222-0610
Click here: MAPS: Pulmitan de Liberia. San José
Take the bus to Bijagua de Upala. There are buses at 6. 11. 3. and 5, ?? please confirm.
It takes about 5 hours and costs about 6,000 colones (12 dollars).
You have to get out at the megasuper in Bijagua, better carry the google map in your phone with that location and be in contact with us to pick you up.
This weather is hot, wet and windy, there may be some cool days too.
1.- We don't do hard work, we do smart work. Don't damage your body, tools or protections. Use patience and intelligence.
2.- Be inspired with self-drive impulse. If you see something wrong or need improvement, take it as your responsabitity to do it whenever possible.
I share Wi-Fi from my phone. Low speed during the day and high during the night 11 to 7.
We provide beds, mattresses, sheets, etc. inside a room.
The most important work that has to be done is in the self. You can watch in this video the completion process for healing the subconscious wounds.
Click here: Samskara Dahana Kriya - 5 step process for perpetual completion
There are other videos in that channel with other works in the self that have to be done. The yoga life is very different from the western civilization ways and a big change has to be done in us to be healthy and happy.
The work we do is to improve the livability of the place for the next volunteers, as others did in the past, for us to enjoy now. And we try to produce all our food needs, because in today’s world is the only way to know what you are putting inside your body. So, we work for ourselves.
-We are lacto vegetarians, we don´t enjoy snacking from the flesh stolen from other sentient beings. Our world is becoming every day more of a food desert with only food like products, full of toxins and unhealthy ingredients. We have to detoxify.
- No alcohol, drugs or tobacco allowed.
-Do not indulge in chit chatting with your fellow volunteers, you have to be focused in the here and now in communion with nature and not drifting away in your mind.
-If you want to say something think how is that going to benefit the ones listening. Your life is not that interesting as you feel, yet you may know something valuable, share it.
-Be empty of thoughts as much as you can, enter the space of restful awareness, but being active.
-You don't exist, we are a bunch of obsesive compulsive reaccionary patterns, disorders conditioned by society, We have to come back to what we really are, the real self.
-Males and females, try to be apart from each other, there is too much seeking attention from one another that distracts us from the real self, work and be in the moment, listen to the silence.
-You can leave any time. If you are not committed to the healing process with the help we´ll give you and if you are just looking for something different than the yogic way of life.
In countries with tropical weather, in beaches or forests mosquitoes are not only a nuisance but they carry diseases, Bring your own deep woods repelent.
There is no minimum or maximum stay, as long as you are interested in what we are doing and participating gladly, you are welcome.
Volunteers that take responsibility to build Kailasa, in collective integrity and will persistence, working in a team, have a vote, about the decisions taken in that area or areas, like administration, garden, yoga, teachings, cooking, cleaning, building, media, etc.
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